Rosemary for Energy


Rosemary may be more familiar to you as a culinary staple in the kitchen since it's an herb that can add so much bright, earthy flavor to your favorite dishes. As anyone who has ever cut up fresh rosemary can tell you, this herb has some seriously powerful aroma. Rosemary is such a fresh, green, rich and vibrant scent, you just know it has a lot to offer.

Rosemary is a small evergreen shrub, and its essential oil is extracted by distilling the leaves, flowers and twigs of the plant.  There are different varieties of rosemary that vary depending on both chemotype and region. Each rosemary variety has its own uniquely lovely scent.

Rosemary is well known for aiding mental fatigue. Its scent can help energize you and perk you back up when you’re feeling that midday malaise.  

If you’re someone who wants to power through a project without drinking extra caffeine that might keep you awake, try enlisting the power of rosemary essential oil in Breatherapy’s Energy tab.  It just might make that project more pleasurable as well!

Enjoy energizing Rosemary in these Breatherapy products:


tab to enhance performance.


tab for waking up the brain and body.



self-care kit
features two Fortify tabs.


get up + go kit
features two Energy tabs.


How to Use Breatherapy Tabs


Spearmint (Not Just for Gum)